Saturday, April 18, 2009


woo! gambled for the first time in my life today. haha. yes yes stop frowning or shaking your head in disapproval i'm sure you've done it before in your life too.
no? have you ever said before "eh i bet you the ... . ... etc". sure got right!! so you have gambled before!

well ok then i'm wrong when i say i gambled for the first time ever in my life. well. i gambled with MAHJONG the first time in my life today =)

went over to zhaoperng's house with some other army friends to play mahjong. :)
quite shiok, the very first round i won zi mo man dai! it was like i had 4 dai, then when i bu hua then got the winning tile. there's some rule that that gives you extra one dai, so man dai + zi mo = :D

but because of the way i play, i always try to build big. like my minimum win was 3 dai just now i think. i always try to go at least ban se (half colour) or something nice la. so i always build until v big, almost win.. then someone else win -_-

the biggest almostwin i had was this wan zi ping hu!! waiting for winning tile only sia!
(ping hu is the all sequence thing, without flowers, worth 4 dai. wan zi is the chinese characters suit. all my tiles were wan zi, that's worth another 4 dai. 8 dai man!!!!)
well of course we were playing only 5 dai maximum, but.. that's the kinda hands i always try to build. =) quite exciting leh, see your hand so nice. but .. never win la. lol.

then alot of rounds i had like, 5-6 dais waiting to win already.. then someone else win with like 1-2 dai. zz.

at least i'm an exciting player eh =) hehehe. it's quite shiok to build big, you get alot of satisfaction looking at your nice tiles. well fine, maybe just me .

overall i didn't win or lose. well, i was winning by about 5 bucks after the 4 winds was over.. but it was about 9++ and si-ann wanted to play more. so we played for another 3 winds. and in the end lose until i broke even only. well, earn 10 cents la. lol.

on a completely different note.. i'm like a handicap now! freaking 24km (which i didn't finish) route march made my knees freaking painful. can't walk around normally, hobble around like some old man. grr.

physiotherapist here i come.